Vaccines aren't just for kids. Here's why grown-ups need them, too..
Posted: July 30, 2013
Think of vaccines and you might envision teary-eyed kids at the doctor’s office or flu clinic getting a cartoon character bandage on their arm after getting a shot. But there are plenty of reasons adults should get vaccines too. The vaccines you need as an adult depend on everything from your age and lifestyle to high-risk medical conditions, travel plans, and which shots you’ve had...
Dog Bite Liability
Posted: July 25, 2013
Most dogs are friendly, loving members of the family, but even normally docile dogs may bite when they are frightened or when protecting their puppies, owners or food. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs annually, resulting in an estimated 800,000 injuries that require medical attention. More than 50 percent of dog bites...
You Posted What!? Teens, Social Media and a Parent’s Liability
Posted: July 19, 2013
Jealousy. Passion. Betrayal. No, not the hottest television drama, but high school. For many the high school experience comes with social pressures and obligations to fit in and belong, and sadly this can lead to exclusion and isolation of some students. At some point everyone probably said something in their teen years in the heat of the moment that they now wish could be taken...
Developing a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan.. Before You Need It
Posted: July 18, 2013
Businesses that are forced to close down following a disaster run the risk of never being able to open their doors again. While there’s no way to lower the risk of a natural disaster like a hurricane, there are critical measures that can be taken to protect your company’s bottom line from nature’s fury. A disaster plan and adequate insurance are keys to recovery....
Renters Insurance Checklist
Posted: July 18, 2013
If you rent a house or apartment, your landlord’s insurance will only cover the costs of repairing the building if there is a fire or other disaster. You need your own coverage, known as renters or tenants insurance in order to financially protect yourself and your belongings. Renters insurance includes three important types of financial protection: Coverage for Personal Possessions Liability Protection Additional Living Expenses...