Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Providing Cyber Security Training For Employees
Posted: November 1, 2013
Empowering your employees to recognize common cyber threats can be beneficial to your organization’s computer security. Security awareness training teaches employees to understand vulnerabilities and threats to business operations. Your employees need to be aware of their responsibilities and accountabilities when using a computer on a business network. New hire training and regularly scheduled refresher training courses should be established in order to instill the...
Deer in the Headlights: Don’t Be Caught Without Comprehensive Auto Insurance
Posted: October 8, 2013
DEER-VEHICLE COLLISIONS DOWN 3.5 PERCENT, YET CLAIMS COSTS ON THE RISE Fall is peak season for deer and auto collisions and that means drivers along the nation’s roadways need to be especially vigilant, according to the Insurance Information Institute(I.I.I.). Deer migration and mating season generally runs from October through December, and causes a dramatic spike in the movement of deer population. As a result, more...
Insurance Lessons Learned From Sandy: Steps to Keep Your Business Running Following a Disaster
Posted: October 4, 2013
MAINTAIN YOUR REVENUE STREAM WITH EFFECTIVE DISASTER RECOVERY AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING The difficulty many businesses had reopening after Hurricane Sandy is a reminder of the importance of having a disaster recovery plan and the right type and amount of insurance, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). In fact, the I.I.I. noted that an estimated 25 percent of businesses never reopen at all following...
Halloween Safety Tips
Posted: September 26, 2013
HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIPS Walk Safely Children under 12 should trick-or-treat and cross streets with an adult. Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Walk--don’t run, across the street. Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. Always walk on sidewalks or paths....
Buying a New Car or Truck? Consider Auto Insurance Costs and Protect Your Loan When Trading Up
Posted: September 26, 2013
Car Sales and Leasing Rebound; Shift Your Auto Insurance into the Right Gear NEW YORK, September 17, 2013 — Many drivers are looking at their old cars and trucks in the rear-view mirror as they drive new vehicles off car dealership lots in record numbers. Last month U.S. auto makers recorded their best sales month in nearly five years, and automotive experts think the trend...