You have heard it many times before. You may know it first hand as well. many college students pay thousands of dollars on their education with the idea they will land a fantastic, high paying job when they graduate. Some do just that while others struggle when they graduate. Most often it is due to flooded markets with highly qualified students all competing for a few jobs.
When you ask high school and college students what they want to do when they grow up, very few mention going into insurance. As of today there is no college or university programs for insurance or risk management on Long Island and The Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation wants to change that. Working closely with Stony Brook University, the two have partnered in putting together just such a program and the timing is perfect if you are graduating high school now or still in college. Stony Brook University will launch their Business Degree program with a specialization in Risk Management & Insurance this spring.
Why is this so important? There are many high paying jobs in our industry that will be available soon. It is estimated that 25%-30% of insurance professional are set to retire in the next three years. LPL Risk Management is always looking good talent and for that reason, we are strong supporters of this program. It’s an industry starving for talent and while it may not sound so sexy, there are plenty of good jobs that pay well. Hopefully students will explore a career in Risk Management and Insurance starting here at home with Stony Brook University.
Follow my blogs or call my office to get any updates on this program.