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Category: Personal Insurance

Vaccines aren't just for kids. Here's why grown-ups need them, too..

Think of vaccines and you might envision teary-eyed kids at the doctor’s office or flu clinic getting a cartoon character bandage on their arm after getting a shot. But there are plenty of reasons adults should get vaccines too. The vaccines you need as an adult depend on everything from your age and lifestyle to high-risk medical conditions, travel plans, and which shots you’ve had...

Umbrella Insurance Explained

Having the added protection of a liability umbrella policy is coverage no one should go without. Whether it's a serious auto accident involving pricey medical bills or an incident on your property, you can quickly find yourself responsible for damages that exceed the limits on your auto, homeowners or boat policies. Umbrella policies offer inexpensive “peace of mind” for most types of negligence claims. Automobile accidents are probably the most...