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Tag: Business Insurance

Providing Cyber Security Training For Employees

Empowering your employees to recognize common cyber threats can be beneficial to your organization’s computer security. Security awareness training teaches employees to understand vulnerabilities and threats to business operations. Your employees need to be aware of their responsibilities and accountabilities when using a computer on a business network. New hire training and regularly scheduled refresher training courses should be established in order to instill the...

Insurance Lessons Learned From Sandy: Steps to Keep Your Business Running Following a Disaster

MAINTAIN YOUR REVENUE STREAM WITH EFFECTIVE DISASTER RECOVERY AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING The difficulty many businesses had reopening after Hurricane Sandy is a reminder of the importance of having a disaster recovery plan and the right type and amount of insurance, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). In fact, the I.I.I. noted that an estimated 25 percent of businesses never reopen at all following...

How can I save money on my business insurance?

Here are five ways to save money on business insurance: Shop around. Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get the names of companies or brokers who specialize in your type of business. Call several so that you can compare prices and get a feel for the types of services they would provide. It's also important to pick a company...

Cleaning up the Mess - Will Your Commercial Policy Cover It?

Most commercial property policies will cover the cost to remove debris resulting from a covered cause of loss. However, coverage may be limited or excluded depending on a few important factors addressed in the policy. Factor #1 – How much is enough? First, consider that it is not cheap to remove certain types of debris. For example, removing debris of an old frame building may...

Just following the law is not enough... Here's why your company should have a strictly outlined no cell phone policy while operating company vehicles:

Recent suits against companies whose employees were involved in vehicle accidents while using cellphones is raising employers' interest in distracted driving policies. After an accident involving a corporate-owned vehicle, “It's now routine for the plaintiffs bar to check the cellphone records of the driver,” said W. Michael McDonald, vp of enterprise risk management at Quality Distribution Inc. in Tampa, Fla. “There's a lot more attention...