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Tag: Insurance Tips

Renters Insurance Checklist

If you rent a house or apartment, your landlord’s insurance will only cover the costs of repairing the building if there is a fire or other disaster. You need your own coverage, known as renters or tenants insurance in order to financially protect yourself and your belongings. Renters insurance includes three important types of financial protection: Coverage for Personal Possessions Liability Protection Additional Living Expenses...

Wind and Water Protection – Preparing for a Hurricane From The Red Cross

Recent hurricane seasons have provided painful lessons in the importance of preparing for these destructive storms. Perhaps most important is the need to protect your home sooner rather than later. This will allow you to focus on more immediate needs when a hurricane approaches, including gathering supplies and heeding evacuation orders. The first step is to decide what level of protection you want and can...

Lawn Mower Safety

Each year, approximately 75,000 people are injured seriously enough by lawnmowers to require emergency room medical treatment. Only a small percentage of the injuries are caused by mechanical failure; most are the result of human error. Here are some tips to follow before and while mowing your lawn: Become familiar with your mower. Read the owner's manual before using the mower for the first time....

Sumer Maintenance Tips For Your Deck or Patio

Enjoy longer days and warmer nights while protecting your investment. Summertime is the best time to be outside enjoying the weather. Make sure your deck or patio is ready for the summer sun by keeping in mind the seasonal maintenance tips below. Check deck or patio for possible deterioration and safety hazards such as loose boards and protruding nails. Check electrical outlets for potential fire...

Grilling Safety

Americans enjoy more than three billion barbecues each year. But barbecuing can be dangerous, even deadly, if you are not careful The following tips can make your grilling experience safer: When ready to barbecue, protect yourself by wearing a heavy apron and an oven mitt that fits high up over your forearm. With gas grills, make sure the gas cylinder is always stored outside and...