Posted by LPL Risk Management on 
Workers Comp can be one of those evil necessities for NYS employers. New York Law says all employers must cover their employees form work place injuries and this adds a tremendous cost to many employers. But for the employees,, it helps keep them safer and on the job. It can and should be a positive experience for both the Employer and Employee.
The advantages of Workers’ Compensation coverage from LPL Risk Management:
- Choice: We have many insurance companies to offer the best possible rate for Employers.
- Preferred Medical Provider Network: Many of our carriers offer networks of providers experienced in treating workplace injuries.
- Risk Management: Helping find safety issues. Keeping workers safe and on the job benefits both the Employer & Employee.
- Dividend Paying Programs for Employers: Keeping a safe work environment can pay dividends back to employers.
- Pay-as-You-Go Billing Solutions: Our billing solution bases premium payments on actual payroll to help you manage cash flow and reduce audit surprises.
Filed Under: Blog | Tagged With: workers comp, workers comp insurance, workers comp insurance long island, Workers Comp NY, Workers Compensation, Workers Compensation insurance Quotes